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Northern Letters

Northern Letters

- Unity, Git, Mobile -


With a team of 7, we created a mobile video game with the themes of mushing, the great north and sled dogs



   The objective of this project was to discover and become familiar with the Android platform. For me it was an opportunity to affirm my programming skills by being the only programmer of the team.


   The Gameplay is divided into two parts:

- The first part, mainly composed of UI, the player prepares his expeditions by customizing his sled and choosing his dogs.



- In the second part, the player goes on the choosen expedition, he can change his direction at each branch and manage the endurance of his dogs.


    My role in this project was unique programmer, but I made this game on a known engine, Unity, which allowed me to follow the speed of production that was imposed to me.

  The main challenge in this project was the amount of content to integrate, so I created a scalable architecture, thanks in particular to the use of ScriptableObjects and a custom event system using Delegates. (Example below)

  The second challenge was communication in the team, I had to give a lot of effort to help the Game Designers to produce documentation that met my needs and facilitated production.



 - Touch Inputs Tool


    Here is an example of a Tool that I made at the very beginning of the project and that allowed me to gain in productivity until the end of the project. I was inspired by the architecture system based on Ryan Hipple’s Events and Scriptable Objects and I used the Odin Inspector plugin to save time on Serialization in the Inspector.

   This Tool was initially made to easily connect objects to mobile inputs, but during the project, my needs evolved and this Tool became a global Inputs manager connected to a second Events system using Delegates


 - Custom UI Button


    I also created a custom button, it's a second tool that, although very simple, was very useful for the large amount of UI present in the game. It uses Unity UI Interfaces and the Odin Inspector plugin.

   My needs were to have a Component without useless features, being able to trigger a list of Events specific to my project and, to match the assets produced by my Game Artists, to alternate between two sprites during input.


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